Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nepal New Years Fundraiser

After watching a presentation about the Global Action Coalition, the students of Admiral Farragut Academy raised $758.06 during their "Change for Change Campaign".  Rob explained how this money would be used to help the school children in Nepal, the middle school students were then asked to write how they felt. 

This touching statement was written by Jack, a 6th grader at Admiral Farragut:

"I felt guilty because we have all this stuff we take for granted and their kids may not get one pair of shoes until they're teens. It made me want to help them more. I wanted to take part in the Global Action Coalition. I wanted to be able to give them pens/pencils and notebooks or text books. I wanted not to give them something that would last them a month or two, but to give them something that would last through their life. I wanted to give them the one thing that when they were thirty they could look back and remember I gave it to them. I wanted to give them an education. I wanted them to be able to learn just the way everyone at Farragut does."

Nepal New Years Fundraiser


Taylor is an amazing young lady who has helped raise money for the school lunch program in Nepal by designing this T shirt, based on art from a student in Nepal.  Here is her story.

Hello, my name is Taylor Wooldridge. I am a 5th grader at Independent Day School. I met Mr. Rowen and Hemu when they came to a Monday Morning Meeting at my school to talk about the work they have done in Nepal. After hearing their words, I decided I wanted to take action. As a part of 5th grade, we have to do an exhibition project which incorporates global issues with our learner profiles. I thought it would be a great project to extend the fundraising efforts of the Global Action Coalition. I sent some art supplies to Nepal with Mr. Rowen so that the children could do original artwork. He brought back several pictures. I chose the picture that best represented Nepal and its culture. I put the picture on t-shirts and I am selling them to raise money for the children in Nepal. This cause is very important to me. The proceeds from this t-shirt will provide a lunch program and all the necessary school supplies these children need. I am so fortunate to be able to get an education. I would like to remind you that a little bit goes a long way in Nepal. For instance $20.00 can feed a child for 6 months! Please help me support this great cause by purchasing a t-shirt.

If you would like to order a T shirt please visit Global Action Coaliton's web site.